Sat nam November!

The shaman report says the theme for November is “Pressure”.  I don’t know about you, but I’ve definitely been feeling it lately.  Wow.

Pressure can come from outside of us, in the form of external demands and challenges / crises, as well as from within us.  In order to cope successfully, we must meet external pressure with equal amounts of internal strength.  Internal grit is all about finding your center and staying grounded there.  The more we return to this inner still point, the easier it is to find when the going gets tough.


Stress is not always metered out in what feels like manageable doses.  Life often throws us a bunch of curve balls all at once, or we experience a series of stressful and pressure-filled events simultaneously…and this is where the rubber meets the road.  This is actually the point of a practice.


Stress and pressure take us off-center, and unfortunately, they are part of being alive.  But we can take care of ourselves in ways that help us get back to neutral mind quickly.  We can use the tools of yoga, meditation and mindfulness to benefit us ALL of the time.  They are meant to help us handle pressure and thrive.  These methodologies provide a road map to return us to our center, regardless of whether we are sitting on calmly on a beach on vacation or struggling to cope amidst the territory of grief and worry.  Sometimes this is such a quiet process that it may look invisible from an outsider’s perspective.


The million-dollar question is, how well do you cope?  I encourage you to take a few minutes each day to breathe quietly and return to your inner still point.  Take care of yourself this month.  Be kind to yourself.  You matter.  And remember, you’re not alone.


As always, I love to hear from you if you have any questions or comments.

With love,



Amanda May

Kundalini class 4/13/20 from Amanda May on Vimeo.

Kundalini yoga and meditation to clarify and balance your energy. Sodarshan Chakra Kriya.

Posted 253 weeks ago
<p>Saturday afternoon in downtown #durham  #love is the only #truething . Choose it.  (at Durham, North Carolina)</p>

Saturday afternoon in downtown #durham #love is the only #truething . Choose it. (at Durham, North Carolina)

Posted 354 weeks ago
<p>Omg, these truffles from #raleighraw are soooo delicious that they belong on my altar! 💕🔥 Joy is a practice to be cultivated daily, find your “joy buttons” and practice for yourself!  Today one of mine is Sweet Heat. Yum! #mindfulliving #consciousness #joy  (at Durham, North Carolina)</p>

Omg, these truffles from #raleighraw are soooo delicious that they belong on my altar! 💕🔥 Joy is a practice to be cultivated daily, find your “joy buttons” and practice for yourself! Today one of mine is Sweet Heat. Yum! #mindfulliving #consciousness #joy (at Durham, North Carolina)

Posted 355 weeks ago
<p>The end of #savasana 💚💚💚#kundalini #kundaliniyoga #kundalinibliss #amandamaywellness</p>

The end of #savasana 💚💚💚#kundalini #kundaliniyoga #kundalinibliss #amandamaywellness

Posted 355 weeks ago

<p>What a long strange trip it’s been.<br/>
From moon to moon whole worlds change.</p>

<p>Inter-galactic travel between<br/>
the deepest levels of the soul.</p>

<p>Needing to face the end of what we known<br/>
but not knowing how to begin.</p>

<p>Prayer opens us.<br/>
Guidance is readily available.<br/>
But the key is listening.</p>

<p>And being willing to let go<br/>
to allow the river to flow<br/>
and shape the new<br/>
valley ahead.</p>

<p>We can sense the freedom<br/>
of that alignment on the other side,<br/>
but first we face our fears.</p>

<p>Labyrinthine pathways hold the promise<br/>
that awaits on this passage toward alignment<br/>
with deepest part of our soul.</p>

<p>For getting to know our deepest Self,<br/>
is what this journey is all about.</p>

<p>The more truthful we can become,<br/>
the more empowered we will feel,<br/>
and suddenly…<br/>
a loosening of the grip,<br/>
and into the unknown,<br/>
new places of discovery<br/>
we’ll go.</p>

<p>But first,<br/>
Anchor into Self,<br/>
with love, love,<br/>
love, love,<br/>

<p>#mysticmamma🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘  (at Saxapahaw, North Carolina)</p>


What a long strange trip it’s been.
From moon to moon whole worlds change.

Inter-galactic travel between
the deepest levels of the soul.

Needing to face the end of what we known
but not knowing how to begin.

Prayer opens us.
Guidance is readily available.
But the key is listening.

And being willing to let go
to allow the river to flow
and shape the new
valley ahead.

We can sense the freedom
of that alignment on the other side,
but first we face our fears.

Labyrinthine pathways hold the promise
that awaits on this passage toward alignment
with deepest part of our soul.

For getting to know our deepest Self,
is what this journey is all about.

The more truthful we can become,
the more empowered we will feel,
and suddenly…
a loosening of the grip,
and into the unknown,
new places of discovery
we’ll go.

But first,
Anchor into Self,
with love, love,
love, love,

#mysticmamma🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘 (at Saxapahaw, North Carolina)

Posted 355 weeks ago
<p>Join me this Sunday for a special kundalini practice along with an extended gong meditation. Face the world with renewed peace and tranquility.  Ahhh…. ✨✨✨ Blue Lotus in Raleigh, 11-1. #satnam #amandamaywellness #kundalinibliss #kundaliniyoga #yogaraleigh #soundhealing #gongmeditation  (at Blue Lotus Community)</p>

Join me this Sunday for a special kundalini practice along with an extended gong meditation. Face the world with renewed peace and tranquility. Ahhh…. ✨✨✨ Blue Lotus in Raleigh, 11-1. #satnam #amandamaywellness #kundalinibliss #kundaliniyoga #yogaraleigh #soundhealing #gongmeditation (at Blue Lotus Community)

Posted 355 weeks ago
<p>Join me in an extraordinary practice of movement, breath and sound. Connect to your divinity within. ✨💚 #kundalini #amandamaywellness #kundalinibliss #satnamwaheguru #meditation🙏</p>

Join me in an extraordinary practice of movement, breath and sound. Connect to your divinity within. ✨💚 #kundalini #amandamaywellness #kundalinibliss #satnamwaheguru #meditation🙏

Posted 356 weeks ago
<p>In life we must be deliberate, focused, trustworthy and energized. <br/>
You may ask how to get there. And I have an answer for you! Frogs, frogs, frogs!! <br/>
Apply yourself fully to your frogs today, enliven your life nerve, and let your breath guide you. Then take that same dedication into your life. <br/>
-Snatam Kaur<br/>
#kundaliniyoga #kundalinifrogs #amandamaywellness #satnam</p>

In life we must be deliberate, focused, trustworthy and energized.
You may ask how to get there. And I have an answer for you! Frogs, frogs, frogs!!
Apply yourself fully to your frogs today, enliven your life nerve, and let your breath guide you. Then take that same dedication into your life.
-Snatam Kaur
#kundaliniyoga #kundalinifrogs #amandamaywellness #satnam

Posted 356 weeks ago
<p>Spring blooms in North Carolina bring the reminder: despite darkness, there is always a way to the light. #amandamaywellness #satnam #integrativehealth #resilience</p>

Spring blooms in North Carolina bring the reminder: despite darkness, there is always a way to the light. #amandamaywellness #satnam #integrativehealth #resilience

Posted 357 weeks ago
<p>Happy Spring. It’s an auspicious time for growth and change, and not always easy!! The process of moving towards the New can be painful at times. Just as the seed must surrender itself in darkness to a process that cracks it open for new growth, so must we. If you are experiencing challenge or pain in your life, remember that there is a larger plan. We may not know what it is, but surrender and trust bring growth and expansion. #satnam and #love #amandamaywellness #kundalinibliss</p>

Happy Spring. It’s an auspicious time for growth and change, and not always easy!! The process of moving towards the New can be painful at times. Just as the seed must surrender itself in darkness to a process that cracks it open for new growth, so must we. If you are experiencing challenge or pain in your life, remember that there is a larger plan. We may not know what it is, but surrender and trust bring growth and expansion. #satnam and #love #amandamaywellness #kundalinibliss

Posted 358 weeks ago

Happy Fall!

Have you ever wondered about the power in the number "11"? Or the mystery and strength in certain numbers?

The number 11 is associated with mastery, illumination, enlightenment, and inspiration.  In Kundalini yoga, the number 11 relates to the understanding that we are connected in oneness with all others.  A quality associated with this is Sat Nam, the Divine wisdom that exists within all of us.  

Sat Nam is truth that is absolute, beyond duality.  What is good for one is good for all.  When we live in this state of consciousness, our individual ego stops running the show. This is when the magic begins.  Once this happens we begin to live from the heart.  We approach life from a place of greater harmony.  We see the bigger picture beyond our individual dramas.

Life isn’t free of challenges.  It isn’t supposed to be.  But challenges aren’t meant to break us; we are meant to learn from them and transform ourselves to something greater.  To expand beyond our limits into something wiser.  

Most of us experience ourselves through just our mind and body.  In reality, we are much more.  “The Basics of Yogic Numerology” describes each one of us as rich, multifaceted beings with complex energy systems.  We each have individual strengths and a unique destiny to fulfill in life.  Tantric numerology is a tool available to better understand ourselves and live in health and balance.  Want to know more about your numerology?  

Mastery does not require us to live mistake-free lives.  Rather, it’s quite the opposite; each time we stumble, we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, learn the lesson and begin again.  It is humility and diligence that bring us to a deeper level of understanding. That is mastery.

Our country holds a collective broken heart on this particular day.  I ask that we honor both the past and the future by shining our individual light forward.  The number 11 is associated with inspiration, idealism and dreams.  Let the energy of this day serve as the catalyst for hope.  Join me in drawing upon these qualities and wishing for a brighter, better future for the planet.  

Allow yourself to dream big.  I know I will.

Sat nam,
